Call or Text Kelly Vandever | 770.597.1108 | REALTOR® | License # 391485

The Home Offer Process: How Long It Takes & What to Expect

The Offer

You have been searching for that perfect home, and it looks like you found it. Now is time to put in your offer. And wait…


How Long Does It Take for an Offer on a House to Be Accepted?

There's a super easy answer to that question, but there are also some nuances to go along with it.

First, what's the simple answer?


On or before the time limit when the offer expires.


Let me elaborate:

Whenever you submit an offer on a house, you put an expiration date and time for that offer. In other words, you give the homeowner a deadline by which they need to make a decision. If the homeowner is interested in your offer, they'll either sign the contract and send it back to you, or they may send you a counteroffer. Either way, they're going to respond to your offer on or before the expiration date and time on your offer.


Now for the Nuanced Answer: It Depends


In actuality, the better answer, like so many things in life, is more nuanced. And in reality, the dependenc...

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