Call or Text Kelly Vandever | 770.597.1108 | REALTOR® | License # 391485

What to Expect as a Seller on Closing Day


Closing day is an exciting time for both the person purchasing the home and the person selling the property. 

But as the person selling the home, you may have some questions on what to expect on closing day. Probably the most important of these questions is:


When will I receive the money from the sale?


Before we get there, let’s break down what closing day will be like for you, the seller.


Wallet, Keys, Checkbook: What You Need Before Arriving at Closing

  • Photo ID and Secondary Identifying Documentation – So that the closing attorney can ensure you are who you say you are and have the authority to sell the property
  • Keys, Garage Door Openers, Information to Device Credentials – So the new owner has access to the home and the systems within the homes such as smart devices
  • Checkbook or Counter Checks – In case you need to make a payment.

Did that last bullet make you think, “Wait, why do I need a checkbook? I thought I was supposed to receive the money, not give it ...

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