Call or Text Kelly Vandever | 770.597.1108 | REALTOR® | License # 391485

The Seller: The Week Before Closing


You're a little more than a week out from closing. You're so close now! What are the things that you need to do as a person selling the home, getting it ready to close? Lucky for you, I made a list to guide you.


You can also download a checklist here.  


1. Coordinate the Transfer of Utilities, Notify Home Services Providers

You don’t want to pay for utilities when you’re not using them, right? Be sure to contact the utility companies and notify them that the closing date is the last day you’ll pay for utilities.

You will need to do this at least a week before closing. This step is crucial because:

  1. Smooth Transition for Buyers: The homebuyers need time to set up utilities in their name.   Imagine the angst of the person buying your home if they don’t have water and power when they go to move in!
  2. Utility Company Requirements: Some utility providers require a termination order from the seller before transferring services to the new owner.  Contacting the utilities company
  3. ...
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